Darin W. Toohey, Publications
To view the published open abstracts, go to http://dx.doi.org and enter the appropriate DOI, if available.
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[132] A. Heymsfield, A. Bansemer, G. Heymsfield, A. DeLaFrance, D. Toohey, and L. Thornhill (2024). Relationship of Snow Microphysics and Precipitation Generating to Vertical Motions in Snowbands and Generating Cells in Snowstorms, J. Applied Meteor. Climate., in revisions.

[131] Y. Shen, R.P. Pokhrel, A.P. Sullivan, E.J.T. Levin, L.A. Garofalo, D.K. Farmer, W. Permar, L. Hu, D.W. Toohey, T. Campos, E.V. Fischer, S.M. Murphy (2024). Understanding Absorption by Black Versus Brown Carbon in Biomass Burning Plumes from the WE-CAN Campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., submitted.

[130] E. Wein, L. Kalnajs, and D. Toohey, (2024). An Economical Tunable-Diode Laser Spectrometer for Fast-Response Measurements of Water Vapor inthe Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Atmos. Meas. Tech., in press.

[129] J.S. Hare, D.M. Wilmouth, J.B. Smith, J.E. Klobas, D.W. Toohey, R.A. Hunnan, J.V. Pittman, and J.G. Anderson (2024). Method for the Production of a Compact Source of Atomic Line Spectra in the Vacuum Ultraviolet, , Appl. Optics, 63, 3685-3694. DOI:10.1364/AO.520905 https://opg.optica.org/ao/abstract.cfm?uri=ao-63-13-3685

[128] K.A. Moore, T.C.J. Hill, C.S. McCluskey, C.H. Twohy, B. Rainwater, D.W. Toohey, K.J. Sanchez, S.M. Kreidenweis, and P.J. DeMott (2024), Characterizing Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean using Simultaneous Aircraft and Ship Observations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129, e2023JD039543. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD039543

[127] D. Henze, D. Noone, and D. Toohey (2023), Detection of mixing and precipitation scavenging effects on biomass burning aerosols using total water heavy isotope ratios during ORACLES Atmos. Chem. Phys, 23, 15269-15288. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-15269-2023

[126] A. Heymsfield, A. Bansemer, G. Heymsfield, D. Noone, M. Grecu, and D. Toohey (2023),  Relationship of Multi-wavelength Radar Measurements to Ice Microphysics from the IMPACTS Field Program, J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., in press. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-22-0057.1

[125] C.S. McCluskey, A. Gettelman, C.G. Bardeen, P.J. DeMott, K.A. Moore, S.M. Kreidenweis, T.C.J. Hill, K.R. Barry, C.H. Twohy, D.W. Toohey, B. Rainwater, J.B. Jensen, J.M. Reeves, and G.M. McFarquhar (2023), Simulation Southern Hemisphere Aerosol and Ice Nucleating Particles in the Community Earth System Model Version 2, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 128, e2022JD036955. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD036955

[124] A.P. Sullivan, R.P. Pokhrel, Y. Shen, S.M. Murphy, D.W. Toohey, T. Campos, J. Lindaas, E.V. Fischer, and J.L. Collett, Jr., (2022),  Examination of Brown Carbon Absorption from Wildfires in the Western U.S. during the WE-CAN Study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 13389-13406, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-13389-2022

[123] A. Akherati, Y. He, L.A. Garafalo, A.L. Hodshire, D.K. Farmer, S.M. Kreidenweis, W. Permar, L. Hu, E.V. Fischer, C.N. Jen, A.H. Goldstein, E.J.T. Levin, P.J. DeMott, T.L. Campos, F. Flocke, J.M. Reeves, D.W. Toohey, J.R. Pierce, S.H. Jathar (2022), Dilution and Photooxidation Driven Processes Explain the Evolution of Organic Aerosol in Wildfire Plumes, Environ. Sci: Atmos, 2022, 2, 1000-1022. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EA00082A

[122] L. Wang, T. Lin, H. Da Costa, S. Zhu, T. Stockman, A. Kumar, J. Weaver, M. Spede, D. Milton, J. Hertzberg, D.W. Toohey, M.E. Vance, S.L. Miller, E. Srebrik (2022), Characterization of Aerosol Plumes from Singing and Playing Wind Instruments Associated with the Risk of Airborne Virus Transmission, Indoor Air, 2022;32:e13064. http://doi.org/10.1111/ina.13064

[121] D. Henze, D. Noone, and D. Toohey (2022), Aircraft measurements of water vapor heavy isotope ratios in the marine boundary layer and lower troposphere during ORACLES, Earth Sys. Sci. Data, 14, 1811-1829. https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/1811/2022/

[120] T. Stockman, S. Zhu, A. Kumar, L.Wang, S. Patel, J. Weaver, M. Spede, D.K. Milton, J. Hertzberg, D. Toohey, M. Vance, J. Srebric, and S.L. Miller (2021), Measurements and Simulations of Aerosol Released While Singing and Playing Wind InstrumentsACS Environ. Au., doi:10.1012/acsenvironau.1c00007 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenvironau.1c00007

[119] C.H. Twohy, D.W. Toohey, E.J.T. Levin, P.J. DeMott, B. Rainwater, L.A. Garofalo, M.A. Pothier, D.K. Farmer, S.M. Kreidenweiss, R.H. Pokhrel, S.M. Murphy, J.M. Reeves, K.A. Moore, and E.V. Fischer (2021), Biomass Burning Smoke and its Influence on Clouds Over the Western U.S., Geophys. Res. Lett., 48. doi: 10.1029/2021GL094224 (online article access)

[118] I.L. McCoy, C.S. Bretherton, R. Wood, C.H. Twohy, A. Gettelman, C.G. Bardeen, and D.W. Toohey (2021), Influences of Recent Particle Formation on Southern Ocean Aerosol Variability and Low Cloud Properties, J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 126, e2020JD033529. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033529

[117] C.H. Twohy, P.J. DeMott, L.M. Russell, D.W. Toohey, B. Rainwater, R. Geiss, K.J. Sanchez, S. Lewis, G. Roberts, R.S. Humphries, C.S. McCluskey, K.A. Moore, P.W. Selleck, M.D. Keywood, J.P. Ward, I.M. McRobert (2021), Cloud-Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean in a Changing Climate, Earth’s Future. doi: 10.1029/2020EF001673
(online article access)

[116] K.R. Barry, T.C.J. Hill, E.J.T. Levin, C.H. Twohy, K.A. Moore, Z.D. Weller, D.W. Toohey, M. Reeves, T. Campos, R. Geiss, G.P. Schill, E.V. Fischer, S.M. Kreidenweis, and P.J. DeMott (2021), Observations of Ice Nucleating Particles in the Free Troposphere from Western US Wildfires, J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 126, e2020JD033752. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033752

[115]  G.M. McFarquhar, C. Bretherton,  R. Marchand, R., et al. (2020), Observations of clouds, aerosols, precipitation, and surface radiation over the Southern Ocean: An overview of CAPRICORN, MARCUS, MICRE and SOCRATES, Bull. Amer. Met.Soc., in press.

 [114] G. Saliba, K.J. Sanchez, L.M. Russell, C.H. Twohy, G.C. Roberts, S. Lewis, J. Dedrick, C.S. McCluskey, K. Moore, P.J. DeMott & D.W. Toohey (2020), Organic Composition of Three Different Size Ranges of Aerosol Particles over the Southern Ocean, Aerosol Sci. Tech., in press. doi: 10.1080/02786826.2020.1845296

[113] Y. Wang, G.M. McFarquhar, R.M. Rauber, C. Zhao, W. Wu, J.A. Finlon, D.M. Stechman, J. Stith, J.B. Jensen, M. Schnaiter, E. Järvinen, F. Waitz, J. Vivekanandan, M. Dixon, B. Rainwater, and D.W. Toohey (2020), Microphysical Properties of Generating Cells over the Southern Ocean: Results from SOCRATES, J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos, 125, e2019JD032237. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD032237

[112] Hartery, S., Toohey, D., Revell, L., et al. (2020), Constraining the surface flux of sea spray particles from the Southern Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JD032026. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD032026
(online article access)

[111] Yang, J, Z. Wang, A.J. Heymsfield, P.J. DeMott, C.H. Twohy, K.J. Suski, and D.W. Toohey (2019), High ice concentration observed in tropical maritime stratiform mixed-phase clouds with top temperatures warmer than -8 oC, Atmos. Res., 233, 104719. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104719
(online article access)

[110] Ross, M.N., and D.W. Toohey (2019), The coming surge of rocket emissions, EOS, 100, doi.org:10.1029/2019EO133493.
(online article access)

[review] D. Toohey (2018), Review of "UV spectroscopic determination of the chlorine monoxide (ClO)/chlorine peroxide (ClOOCl) thermal equilibrium constant" by J.E. Klobas and D.M. Wilmouth, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi.org/10.5194/acp-2018-1120-RC3. (download pdf)

 [109] Stephens, B.B., Long, M.C., Keeling, R.F., et al. (2017) The O2/N2 Ratio and CO2 Airborne Southern Ocean (ORCAS) Study, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99 (2), 381-402. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0206.1 (download pdf)
(online article access)

[108]S.L. Miller, N.A. Facciola, D.W. Toohey, and Zhai, J. (2017), Size and Speciation of Ultrafine and Fine Particulate Matter inside and Outside of Mechanically Ventilated Buildings, Int. J. Enviro. Res. Pub. Health, 14, 128. doi:10.3390/ijerph14020128
(online article access)

[107] A. Mukherjee and D.W. Toohey (2016), A study of aerosol properties based on observations of particulate matter from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, Earth's Future, 4, 381-395. doi:10.1002/2016EF000367.
(online article access)

[106] C.H. Twohy, G.R. McMeeking, P.J. DeMott, C.S. McCluskey,  T.C.J. Hill, S.M. Burrows, G.R. Kulkarni, M. Tanarhte, D.N. Kafle, and
D.W. Toohey (2016),  Abundance of fluorescent biological aerosol particles at temperatures conducive to the formation of mixed-phase and cirrus clouds,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8205-8225. doi:10.5194/acp-16-8205-2016.
(online article access)

[105] X.-M. Hu, J.D. Fuentes, D. Toohey, and D. Wang (2015), Chemical processing within and above a loblolly pine forest in North Carolina, USA, J. Atmos. Chem., doi:10.1007/s10874-013-9276-3.
(online article access)

[104] D. Toohey (2014), Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: Halogens, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2 Ed., Academic Press, in press.

[103] J.L. Stith, L. Avallone, A. Bansemer, B. Basarab, S.W. Dorsi, B. Fuchs, R.P. Lawson, D.C. Rogers, S. Rutledge, and D.W. Toohey (2014), Ice particles in the upper anvil regions of mid-latitude continental thunderstorms: The case for frozen-drop aggregates, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1973-1985, doi:10.5194/acp-14-1973-2014.
(online article access)

[102] S. Dorsi, L. Kalnajs, D. Toohey, and L. Avallone (2014), A Fiber-Coupled Laser Hygrometer for Airborne Total Water Measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 215-223. doi:10.5194/amt-7-215-2014.
(online article access)

[101] D. Toohey (2014), My Year as a Jefferson Science Fellow, EOS Trans. AGU, 95(2), 15, doi:10.1002/2014EO020003.
(online article access)

[100] L. Kalnajs, L. Avallone, and D. Toohey (2013), Correlated measurements of ozone and particulates in the Ross Island Region, Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 6319-6323. doi:10.1002/2013GL058422
(online article access)

[99] A. Bailey, D. Toohey, and D. Noone (2013), Constraining Vertical Exchange of Moisture between the Hawaii Convective Boundary Layer and Free Troposphere using Stable Isotopes in Water, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 8208-8221, doi::10.1002/jgrd.50639.
(online article access)

[98] Hayes, P. L., et al. (2013), Organic aerosol composition and sources in Pasadena, California during the 2010 CalNex campaign, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 92339257, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50530.
(online article access)

[97] C.H.  Twohy, J.A. Anderson, D.W. Toohey, M. Andrejczuk, A. Adam, M. Lytle, R.C. George, R. Wood, P. Saide, S. Spak, P.D.  Zuidema, and D. Leon (2013), Impacts of aerosol particles on the microphysical and radiative properties of stratocumulus clouds over the southeast Pacific, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 2541-2562, doi:10.5194/acp-13-2541-2013.
(online article access)

[96] J.P.D. Abbatt, J. L. Thomas, K. Abrahamsson, C. Boxe, A. Granfors, A. E. Jones, M. D. King, A. Saiz-Lopez, P. B. Shepson, J. Sodeau, D. W. Toohey, C. Toubin, R. von Glasow, S. N. Wren, and X. Yang (2012), Halogen Activation via Interactions with Environmental Ice and Snow, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 6237-6271, doi:10.5194/acp-12-6237-2012.
(online article access)

[95] Toohey, D., (2012), Toon receives 2011 Roger Revelle Medal: Citation, EOS Trans. AGU, 93(2), 23, doi:10.1029/2012EO020021.
(online article access)

[94] D. Noone, J. Galewsky, Z.D. Sharp, J. Worden, J.E. Barnes, D. Baer, A. Bailey, D.P. Brown, L.E. Christensen, E. Crosson, F. Dong, J.V. Hurley, L. Johnson, M. Strong, D.W. Toohey, A. Van Pelt, J.S. Wright (2011), Properties of air mass mixing and humidity in the subtropics from measurements of the D/H isotope ratio of water vapor at the Mauna Loa Observatory, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D22113, doi:10.1029/2011JD015773.
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[93] R.J. Yokelson, I.R. Burling, S.P. Urbanski, E.L. Atlas, K. Adachi, P.R. Buseck, C. Wiedinmyer, S.K. Akagi, D.W. Toohey, and C.E. Wold (2011), Trace Gas and Particle Emissions from Open Biomass Burning in Mexico, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 6787-6808, doi:10.5194/acp-11-6787-2011.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[92] E. Kang, D.W. Toohey, and W.H. Brune (2011),  Dependence of SOA Oxidation on Organic Aerosol Mass Concentration and OH Exposure: Experimental PAM Chamber Studies, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 1837-1852, doi:10.5194/acp-11-1837-2011.
(online article access)
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[Review] D. Toohey (2011), Interactive comment on "Analysis of cloud condensation nuclei composition and growth kinetics using a pumped counterflow virtual impactor and aerosol mass spectrometer" by J.G. Slowik et al., Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 4, C433-C436. (download pdf)

[91] M. Ross, M. Mills, and D. Toohey, Potential Climate Impact of Black Carbon Emitted by Rockets (2010), Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L24810, doi:10.1029/2010GL044548.
(online article access)
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[90] S.A. Montzka, S. Reimann, et al., Chapter 1, Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODSs) and Related Chemicals, 2010 WMO Ozone Assessment, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 2010. (download pdf)

[89] J.S. Daniel, G.J.M. Velders, O. Morgenstern, D. Toohey, T. Wallington, D. Wuebbles, et al., Chapter 5, A Focus on Information and Options for Policymakers, 2010 WMO Ozone Assessment, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 2010.
(download pdf)

[88] D. Toohey, J. McConnell, L. Avallone, and W. Evans (2010), Aviation and Chemistry and Transport Processes in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 485-490, doi: 10.1175/2009BAMS2841.1.
(online article access)

[87] D. Toohey, L. Avallone, M. Ross, Aviation-Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI) Subject Specific White Paper (SSWP) on UT/LS Chemistry and Transport, Aviation and the Environment, Nova Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60692-320-7, 2009, pp 1-51.
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[86] R. Yokelson, J. Crounse, P.F. DeCarlo, T. Karl, S. Urbanski, E. Atlas, T. Campos, A. Weinheimer, J. Halloway, P. Weibring, F. Flocke, Y. Shinozuka, V. Kapustin, T. Clarke, D. Toohey, P. Wennberg, C. Wiedinmyer, L. Mauldin, A. Fried, D. Richter, J. Walega, J.L. Jimenez, K. Adachi, P.R. Buseck, and R. Shetter (2009), Emissions from Biomass Burning in the Yucatan, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 5785–5812.
(online article access)

[85] M. Ross, D. Toohey, M. Peinemann, and P. Ross (2009), Limits on the Space Launch Market Related to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Astropolitics, 7, 50-82, doi:10.1080/14777620902768867.
(online article access)  (download pdf) - See press coverage of this article

[84] The Role of Halogen Chemistry in Polar Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Report from the June 2008 Cambridge, UK Workshop for an Initiative under the Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate (SPARC) Project of the World Climate Research Programme, 2009
(download pdf)

[83] D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, and M.N. Ross (2008), Subject specific white paper (SSWP) on UT/LS chemistry and transport, Aviation-Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI).
(download pdf)

[82] G. Brasseur, et al. (2008), A Report on the Way Forward Based on the Review of Research Gaps and Priorities, Environmental Working Group of the U.S. NextGen Joint Planning and Development Office, Federal Aviation Administration.
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[81] C.A. Stroud, A. Nenes, J.-L. Jimenez, P.F. DeCarlo, J.A. Huffman, R. Bruintjes, E. Nemitz, A.E. Delia, D.W. Toohey, A.B. Guenther, S. Nandi (2007), Cloud Activating Properties of Aerosol Observed during CELTIC, J. Atmos. Sci., 64(2), 441-459.
(online article access)

[80] B.F. Thornton, D.W. Toohey, J. W. Elkins, K. K. Kelly, S.J. Hovde, M. H. Proffitt, E. C. Richard, K. H. Rosenlof, A. F. Tuck, T. L. Thompson, M.J. Mahoney, and J. C. Wilson (2007), Chlorine Activation near the Mid-latitude Tropopause, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D18306, doi:10.1029/2006JD007640.

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[79] M. J. Northway, J. T. Jayne, D.W. Toohey, M. R. Canagaratna, A. Trimborn, K-I. Akiyama, A. Shimono, J. L. Jimenez, P. F. DeCarlo, K. Wilson, and D. R. Worsnop (2007), Demonstration of a VUV lamp photoionization source for improved organic speciation in an aerosol mass spectrometer, Aerosol Sci. Tech., 41(9), 828-839, doi:10.1080/02786820701496587.
(online article access)

[78] R. Yokelson, S. Urbanski, E. Atlas, D. Toohey, E. Alvarado, J. Crounse, P. Wennberg, M. Fisher, C. Wold, T. Campos, K. Adachi, P.R. Buseck, and W.M. Hao (2007), Emissions from forest fires near Mexico City, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 5569–5584, doi:10.5194/acp-7-5569-2007.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[77] E. Kang, M. J. Root, W. H. Brune, and D.W. Toohey (2007), Introducing the concept of Potential Aerosol Mass (PAM), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 5727-5744, doi:10.5194/acp-7-5727-2007.
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[76] A. D. Robinson, G. A. Millard, F. Danis, M. Guirlet, N. R. P. Harris, A. M. Lee, J. D. McIntyre, J. A. Pyle, J. Arvelius, S. Dagnesjo, S. Kirkwood, H. Nilsson, D. W. Toohey, T. Deshler, F. Goutail, J-P. Pommereau, J. W Elkins, F. Moore, E. Ray, U. Schmidt, A. Engel, M. Mueller (2005), Ozone loss derived from balloon-borne tracer measurements in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1423-1436.
(online article access)

[75] B. Vogel, R. Muller, A. Engel, J-U. Grooss, D. Toohey, T. Woyke, and F. Stroh (2005), Midlatitude ClO during the Maximum Atmospheric Chlorine Burden: In Situ Balloon Measurements and Model Simulations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 1623-1638.
(online article access)

[74] B.F. Thornton, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, A.G. Hallar, H. Harder, M. Martinez, J.B. Simpas, W.H. Brune, M. Koike, Y. Kondo, N. Takegawa, B.E. Anderson, and M.A. Avery (2005), Variability of Reactive Chlorine in the Lowermost Stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D22304, doi:10.1029/2004JD005580.

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[73]  S. N. Matsunaga, C. Wiedinmyer, A. B. Guenther, J. J. Orlando, T. Karl, D. W. Toohey, J. P. Greenberg, and Y. Kajii (2005), Isoprene oxidation products are a significant atmospheric aerosol component, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 5, 11143-11156.
(online article access)


[72] M.G. Trainer, A.A. Pavlov, D.B. Curtis, C.P. McKay, D.R. Worsnop, A.E. Delia, D.W. Toohey, O.B. Toon, and M.A. Tolbert (2004), Haze Aerosols in the Atmosphere of Early Earth: Manna from Heaven, Astrobiology, 4, 409-419, doi:10.1089/ast.2004.4.409.
(online article access)

[Review] D. Toohey (2004), Interactive Comment on "A Re-evaluation of the ClO/Cl2O2 Equilibrium Constant Based on Stratospheric In-Situ Observations" by M. von Hobe et al.,  Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., S1985-S1992.
(online article access)


[71] B. Vogel, R. Muller, T. Deshler, J.-U. Grooss, J. Karhu, D.S. McKenna, M. Muller, D. Toohey, G.C. Toon, and F. Stroh (2003), Vertical Profiles of Activated ClO and Ozone Loss in the Arctic Vortex in January and March 2000: In-situ Observations and Model Simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8334, doi:10.1029/2002JD002564, D22.
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[70] B.F. Thornton, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, H. Harder, M. Martinez, J. Simpas, W.H. Brune, and M.A. Avery (2003), In Situ Observations of ClO near the Winter Polar Tropopause, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8333, doi:10.1029/2002JD002839, D8.
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[69] O. Schmid, C.A. Brock, J.M. Reeves, M. Ross, L.M. Avallone, A.M. Gates, D.W. Toohey, C. Weidinmyer, and J.C. Wilson (2003), Size-resolved Measurements of Particle Emission Indices in the Stratospheric Plume of a Solid-Fueled Rocket Motor, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4250, doi:10.1029/2002JD002486, D8.
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[68] M.Y. Danilin, P.J. Popp, R.L. Herman, M.K.W. Ko, M.N. Ross, C.E. Kolb, D.W. Fahey, L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, B.A. Ridley, O. Schmid, J.C. Wilson, D.G. Baumgardner, R.R. Friedl, T.L. Thompson, and J.M. Reeves (2003), Quantifying Uptake of HNO3 and H2O by Alumina Particles in Athena-II Rocket Plume, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4141, doi:10.1029/2002JD002601, D4.
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[67] K.D. Bayes, D.W. Toohey, R.R. Friedl, and S.P. Sander (2003), Measurements of Quantum Yields of Bromine Atoms in the Photolysis of CHBr3 from 266 to 324 nm, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4095, doi:10.1029/2002JD002877, D3.
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[66] L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, T.J. Fortin, K.A. McKinney, and J.D. Fuentes (2003), In Situ Measurements of Bromine Oxide at Two High-Latitude Boundary-layer Sites: Implications of Variability, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 4089, doi:10.1029/2002JD002843, D3.
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[65] A.M. Gates, L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, A.P. Rutter, P.D. Whitefield, D.E. Hagan, A.R. Hopkins, M.N. Ross, P.F. Zittel, T.L. Thompson, R.L. Herman, and R.R. Friedl (2002), In situ Measurements of Carbon Dioxide, 0.37-4.0 mm Particles, and Water Vapor in the Stratospheric Plumes of Small Rockets, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D22), 4649, doi:10.1029/2002JD002121.
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[64] Rex, M., et al. (2002), Chemical depletion of Arctic ozone in winter 1999/2000, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D20), 8276, doi:10.1029/2001JD000533.
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[63] P.J. Popp, B.A. Ridley, L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, R.S. Gao, J.A. Newman, M.J. Northway, J.C. Holocek, D.W. Fahey, J.G. Walega, F.E. Grahek, O. Schmid, J.C. Wilson, T.L. Thompson, K.K. Kelly, R.L. Herman, M.N. Ross, and P.F. Zittel (2002), The Emission and Chemistry of Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Plume of an Athena II Solid-Fuel Rocket Motor, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 1887-1890, doi:10.1029/2002GL015197.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[62] P. Newman, J. Pyle, Editors (2002), Chapter 3, Polar Ozone, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 2002, World Meteorological Organization.
(online copy)

[61] D. Toohey (2002), Stratospheric Chemistry and Composition: Halogens, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Academic Press.
(online article access)

[60] M. Rex., D. Toohey, and N.R.P. Harris (2002), Report on the Arctic Ozone Loss Workshop, SPARC Newsletter No. 19, July.
(online article)

[59] L.M. Avallone and D.W. Toohey (2001), Tests of Halogen Photochemistry using In Situ Measurements of ClO and BrO in the Lower Polar Stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 10411-10421,
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[58]  H. Voemel, D.W. Toohey, T. Deshler and C. Kroger (2001), Sunset Observations of ClO in the Arctic Polar Vortex and Implications for Ozone Loss, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4183-4186, doi:10.1029/2001GL013413.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[57] M.N. Ross, D.W. Toohey,  W.T. Rawlins, E.C. Richard, K.K. Kelly, A.F. Tuck, M.H. Proffitt, D.E. Hagen, A.R. Hopkins,  P.D. Whitefield, J.R. Benbrook, and W.R. Sheldon (2000), Observation of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Associated With Delta II Rocket Emissions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 2209-2212,
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[56] J.M. Pierson, K.A. McKinney, D.W. Toohey, U. Schmidt, A.Engel, J. Margitan, and P.A. Newman (1999), An Investigation of ClO Photochemistry in the Chemically Perturbed Arctic Vortex, J. Atmos. Chem., 32, 61-81, doi:10.1023/A:1006136712267.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[55] T. Woyke, F. Stroh, R. Müller, D. McKenna, D. Toohey, J. Margitan, A. Engel, and U. Schmidt (1998), In Situ Measurements of ClO, BrO, and O3 in the Arctic Polar Vortex: A Test of Our Understanding of Ozone Chemistry in the Polar Region, Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997, Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium, EC Air Pollution Research Report 66, 405-408.

[54] F. Stroh, T. Woyke, D. Toohey, A. Engel, and T. Deshler (1998), In Situ Measurements of Halogen Oxides in the Mid-latitude and Arctic Stratosphere in 1996/1997, Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997, Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium, EC Air Pollution Research Report 66, 389-392.

[53] K.A. McKinney, J.M. Pierson, and D.W. Toohey (1997), A Wintertime In Situ Profile of BrO between 17 and 27 km in the Arctic Vortex, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 853-856, doi:10.1029/97GL00808. 
(online article access) (download pdf)

[52] J. Pierson, K. McKinney, D. Toohey, P. Newman, and A. Engel (1997), In Situ Measurement and Modelling Studies of ClO in the Arctic Vortex, Proceedings of the First SPARC General Assembly, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP-99), May 1997.

[51] D.W. Toohey (1997), The Role of In Situ Measurements in the Satellite Era, SPARC Newsletter No. 9, World Climate Research Programme, July 1997.
(download pdf)

[50] S. Borrmann, S. Solomon, L. Avallone, D. Toohey, and D. Baumgardner (1997), On the Occurrence of ClO in Cirrus Clouds and Volcanic Aerosol in the Tropopause Region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 2011-2014, doi:10.1029/97GL02053.
(online article access) (download pdf)

[49] D. Toohey, L. Avallone, T.J. Fortin, and K.A. McKinney (1996), In situ Observations of BrO and ClO during ARCTOC '96, Arctic Tropospheric Ozone Chemistry, ARCTOC, Results from Field, Laboratory, and Modelling Studies, Air pollution research report No 64, Final Report of the EU-Project Contract No EV5Z-CT93-0318 (DTEF), U. Platt and E. Lehrer, Ed.s, Heidelberg, A203-207, July 1997.
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[48] J.W. Waters, W.G. Read, L. Froidevaux, T.A. Lungu, V.S. Perun, R.A. Stachnik, R.F. Jarnot, R.E. Cofield, E.F. Fishbein, D.A. Flower, J.R. Burke, J.C. Hardy, L.L. Nakamura, B.P. Ridenoure, Z. Shippony, R.P. Thurstans, L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, R. deZafra, and D. Shindell (1996), Validation of UARS Microwave Limb Sounder ClO Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 10091-10127, doi:10.1029/95JD03351.
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[47] D.W. Toohey, J.M. Pierson, and K.A. McKinney (1996), In Situ Observations of ClO and BrO, Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, EC Air Pollution Research Report 56, 255-260.

[46] T. Woyke, F. Stroh, A. Engel, D. Toohey, J. Pierson, K. McKinney, T. Mazely, J. Margitan, and U. Schmidt (1996), In Situ Measurement of BrO and ClO in the Arctic Stratosphere: First Results from a New Lightweight Balloon Borne Instrument, Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, EC Air Pollution Research Report 56, 261-265.

[45] L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, S.M. Schauffler, W.H. Pollock, L.E. Heidt, E.L. Atlas, and K.R. Chan (1995), In Situ Measurements of BrO During AASE II, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 831-834, doi:10.1029/95GL00393.
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[44] D.W. Toohey (1995), A Critical Review of Stratospheric Chemistry Research in the U.S.: 1991-1994, U.S. National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994, Reviews of Geophysics, 33, Issue S2, 759-773, doi:10.1029/95RG00400.
(online article access) (pdf copy)

[43] A.R. Ravishankara, J.M. Rodriguez, M.J. Molina, J. Butler, and D.W. Toohey (1995), Proceedings of the Methyl Bromide State of the Science Workshop, Monterey, CA June 1995.

[42] D.W. Waugh, R.A. Plumb, R.J. Atkinson, M.R. Schoeberl, L.R. Lait, P.A. Newman, M. Loewenstein, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, C.R. Webster, and R.D. May (1994), Transport Out of the Lower Stratospheric Arctic Vortex by Rossby Wave Breaking, J. Geophys. Res. 99, 1071-1088, doi:10.1029/93JD02556.
(online article access) (pdf copy)

[41] P.O. Wennberg, R.C. Cohen, R.M. Stimpfle, J.P. Koplow, J.G. Anderson, R.J. Salawitch, D.W. Fahey, E.L. Woodbridge, E.R. Keim, R.S. Gao, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, M.H. Proffitt, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, K.R. Chan, S.C. Wofsy (1994), Removal of Stratospheric Ozone by Radicals: In Situ Measurements of OH, HO2, NO, NO2, ClO, and BrO, Science 266, 398-404, doi:.10.1126/science.266.5184.398.
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[40] R.M. Stimpfle, J.P. Koplow, R.C. Cohen, D.W. Kohn, P.O. Wennberg, D.M. Judah, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, J.G. Anderson, R.J. Salawitch, E.L. Woodbridge, C.R. Webster, R.D. May, M.H. Proffitt, K. Aiken, J. Margitan, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, L. Pfister, and K.R. Chan (1994), The Response of ClO Radical Concentrations to Variations in NO2 Radical Concentrations in the Lower Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 2543-2546, doi:10.1029/94GL02373.
(online article access)
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[39] D.W. Fahey, G. Braathen, D. Cariolle, Y. Kondo, W.A. Matthews, M.J. Molina, J.A. Pyle, R.B. Rood, J.M. Russell III, U. Schmidt, D.W. Toohey, J.W. Waters, C.R. Webster, S.C. Wofsy, T. Deshler, J.E. Dye, T.D.A. Fairlie, W.L. Grose, G.L. Manney, P.A. Newman, A. O'Neill, R.B. Pierce, W. Randel, A.E. Roche and C.R. Trepte (1994), Atmospheric Processes Responsible for the Observed Changes in Ozone, Chapter 3: Polar Ozone, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 1994, United Nations Environment Programme, World Meteorological Organization.
(download pdf)

[38] S.A. Penkett, J.H. Butler, M.J. Kurylo, C.E. Reeves, J.M. Rodriguez, H. Singh, D. Toohey, R. Weiss, M.O. Andreae, N.J. Blake, R.J. Cicerone, T. Duafala, A. Golombek, M.A.K. Khalil, J.S. Levine, M.J. Molina, and S.M. Schauffler (1994), Scientific Information for Future Decisions, Chapter 10: Methyl Bromide, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 1994, United Nations Environment Programme, World Meteorological Organization.
(download pdf)

[37] D.W. Toohey (1993), Measuring ClO with Perseus, The Perseus Data Link, Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation, Volume 1, January.

[36] D.W. Fahey, S.R. Kawa, E.L. Woodbridge, P. Tin, J.C. Wilson, H.H. Jonsson, J.E. Dye, D. Baumgardner, S. Borrmann, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, M.H. Proffitt, J. Margitan, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, R.J. Salawitch, S.C. Wofsy, M.K.W. Ko, D.E. Anderson, M.R. Schoeberl, and K.R. Chan (1993), In situ Measurements Constraining the Role of Sulphate Aerosols in Mid-latitude Ozone Depletion, Nature 363, 509-514, doi:10.1038/363509a0.
(online article access)

[35] C.R. Webster, R.D. May, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, J.G. Anderson, P. Newman, L. Lait, M.R. Schoeberl, J.W. Elkins, and K.R. Chan (1993), Chlorine Chemistry on Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particles in the Arctic Winter, Science 261, 1130-1134, doi:10.1126/science.261.5125.1130.
(online article access)

[34] D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, L.R. Lait, P.A. Newman, M.R. Schoeberl, D.W. Fahey, E.L. Woodbridge, and J.G. Anderson (1993), The Seasonal Evolution of Reactive Chlorine in the Northern Hemisphere Stratosphere, Science 261, 1134-1136, doi:10.1126/science.261.5125.1134.
(online article access)

[33] J.C. Wilson, H.H. Jonsson, C.A. Brock, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, D. Baumgardner, J.E. Dye, L.R. Poole, D.C. Woods, R.J. DeCoursey, M. Osborn, M.C. Pitts, K.K. Kelly, K.R. Chan, G.V. Ferry, M. Loewenstein, J.R. Podolske, A. Weaver (1993), In Situ Observations of Aerosol and Chlorine Monoxide after the Eruption of Mount Pinatubo: Effect of Reactions on Sulfate Aerosols, Science 261, 1140-1143, doi:10.1126/science.261.5125.1140.
(online article access)

[32] P. Newman, L.R. Lait, M. Schoeberl, E.R. Nash, K. Kelly, D.W. Fahey, R. Nagatani, D. Toohey, L. Avallone, and J. Anderson (1993), Stratospheric Meteorological Conditions in the Arctic Polar Vortex, 1991 to 1992, Science 261, 1143-1146, doi:10.1126/science.261.5125.1143.
(online article access)

[31] D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, N.T. Allen, J.N. Demusz, J.N. Hazen, N.L. Hazen, and J.G. Anderson (1993), The Performance of a New Instrument for In Situ Measurements of ClO in the Lower Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20(17), 1791-1794, doi: 10.1029/93GL01939.
(online article access)

[30] L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, W.H. Brune, R.J. Salawitch, A.E. Dessler, and J.G. Anderson (1993), Balloon-Borne In Situ Measurements of ClO and Ozone: Implications for Heterogeneous Chemistry and Mid-latitude Ozone Loss, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20(17), 1795-1798, doi:10.1029/93GL01938.
(online article access)

[29] M.R. Schoeberl, A.R. Douglass, R.S. Stolarski, P.A. Newman, L.R. Lait, D. Toohey, L. Avallone, J.G. Anderson, W. Brune, D.W. Fahey, and K. Kelly (1993), The Evolution of ClO and NO along Air Parcel Trajectories, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20(17), 2511-2514, doi:.10.1029/93GL01690
(online article access)

[28] L.M. Avallone, D.W. Toohey, M.H. Proffitt, J.J. Margitan, K.R. Chan, and J.G. Anderson (1993), In Situ Measurements of ClO at Mid-latitudes: Is there an Effect from Mt. Pinatubo?, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20(22), 2519-2522, doi:10.1029/93GL02418.
(online article access)

[27] C.R. Webster, R.D. May, D.W. Toohey, L.M. Avallone, J.G. Anderson, and S. Solomon (1993), In Situ Measurements of the ClO/HCl ratio: Heterogeneous Processing on Sulfate Aerosols and Polar Stratospheric Clouds, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20(22), 2523-2526, doi:10.1029/93GL01963.
(online article access)

[26] W.H. Brune, L. Avallone, D. W. Toohey, J.E. Dye, D.W. Fahey, D.M. Mirphy, A.R. Ravishankara, A. Tuck, J.R. Holton, R. Kawa, P.A. Newman, M.R. Schoeberl, M.K.W. Ko, J.M. Rodriguez, M. Loewenstein, L. Pfister, H.B. Selkirk, R.A. Plumb, L.R. Poole, C.R. Webster, and J.C. Wilson (1993), Chapter 6, Atmospheric Observations, Albritton, et al., Editors, The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft: Interim Assessment Report of the NASA High-Speed Research Program, NASA Reference Publication 1333, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.

[25] D. Toohey and L. Avallone (1993), ClO, BrO, and Heterogeneous Chemistry, Report of Interim AASE-II Results for the HSRP/AESA Program, edited by Michael Prather, The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft: A Second Program Report, NASA Reference Publication 1293, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.

[24]  R.S. Stolarski and H.L. Wesoky (Editors) (1993), Chapter 2, Plans for Atmospheric Observations,, The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft: Third Program Report, NASA Reference Publication 1313, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.

[23] D.W. Toohey, B.L. Gary, and J.S. Langford (1993), An Investigation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds Using Remote Sensors, In Situ Instruments, and the Perseus Remotely Piloted Aircraft, Conference Proceedings, Topical Symposium on Combined Optical-Microwave Earth and Atmosphere Sensing, IEEE Lasers and Electro-0ptics Society, Catalog 93TH0519-9.

[22] M. Ko, M. Molina, and D. Toohey (1993), Editors, Executive Summary, Proceedings of the Methyl Bromide State of the Science Workshop, Washington, DC, October 28.

[21] J.G. Anderson, D.W. Toohey, and W.H. Brune (1991), Free Radicals within the Antarctic Vortex: The Role of CFCs in Antarctic Ozone Loss, Science 251, 39-46, doi:10.1126/science.251.4989.29.
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[20] D.W. Toohey, W.H. Brune, J.G. Anderson, and K.R. Chan (1991), In Situ Measurements of Midlatitude ClO in Winter, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18(1), 21-24, doi:10.1029/90GL02673.
(online article access)

[19] J.F. Stanton, C.M.L. Rittby, R.J. Bartlett, and D.W. Toohey (1991), Low-Lying Isomers of the Chlorine Oxide Dimer: A Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. 95(6), 2107-2110, doi: 10.1021/j100159a004.
(online article access)

[18] W.H. Brune, J.G. Anderson, D.W. Toohey, D.W.Fahey, S.R. Kawa, R.L. Jones, D.S. McKenna, and L.R. Poole (1991), The Potential for Ozone Depletion in the Arctic Polar Stratosphere, Science 252, 1260-1266. doi:10.1126/science.252.5010.1260.
(online article access)

[17] J.C. King, W.H. Brune, D.W. Toohey, J.M. Rodriguez, W.L. Starr, and J.F. Vedder (1991), Measurements of ClO and O3 from 21oN to 61oN in the Lower Stratosphere during February 1988: Implications for Heterogeneous Chemistry, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18(12), 2273-2276, doi:10.1029/91GL02628.
(online article access)

[16] W.H. Brune, D.W. Toohey, J.G. Anderson, and K.R. Chan (1990), In Situ Observations of ClO in the Arctic Stratosphere: ER-2 Aircraft Results from 59oN to 80oN Latitude, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17(4), 505-508, doi:10.1029/GL017i004p00505.
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[15] W.H. Brune, D.W. Toohey, S.A. Lloyd, and J.G. Anderson (1990), The Sunrise and Sunset Variation of ClO in the Lower Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17(4), 509-512, doi:10.1029/GL017i004p00509.
(online article access)

[14] D.W. Toohey, J.G. Anderson, W.H. Brune, and K.R. Chan (1990), In Situ Measurements of BrO in the Arctic Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17(4), 513-516, doi: 10.1029/GL017i004p00513.
(online article access)

[13] R.L. Jones, S. Solomon, D.S. McKenna, L.R. Poole, W.H. Brune, D.W. Toohey, J.G. Anderson, and D.W. Fahey  (1990), The Polar Stratospheric Cloud Event of January 24: Part 2, Photochemistry, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17(4), 541-544, doi:10.1029/GL017i004p00541.
(online article access)

[12] S.R. Kawa, D.W. Fahey, S. Solomon, W.H. Brune, M.H. Proffitt, D.W. Toohey, D.E. Anderson, Jr., L.C. Anderson, and K.R. Chan (1990), Interpretation of Aircraft Measurements of NO, ClO, and O3 in the Lower Stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 95(D11), 18597-18609, doi:10.1029/JD095iD11p18597.
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[11] J.P.D. Abbatt, D.W. Toohey, F.F. Fenter, P.S. Stevens, W.H. Brune, and J.G. Anderson (1989), Kinetics and Mechanism of X + ClNO -> XCl + NO (X = Cl, F, Br, OH, O, N) from 220 K to 450 K: Correlation of Reactivity and Activation Energy with Electron Affinity of X, J. Phys. Chem. 93(3), 1022-1029, doi: 10.1021/j100340a004.
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[10] D.W. Toohey and J.G. Anderson (1989), Theoretical Investigations of Reactions of Some Radicals with HO2. 1. Hydrogen Abstractions by Direct Mechanisms, J. Phys. Chem. 93(3), 1049-1058, doi:10.1021/j100340a008.
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[9] J.G. Anderson, W.H. Brune, S.A. Lloyd, D.W. Toohey, S.P. Sander, W.L. Starr, M. Loewenstein, and J.R. Podolske (1989), Kinetics of O3 Destruction by ClO and BrO within the Antarctic Vortex: An Analysis Based on in Situ ER-2 Data, J. Geophys. Res. 94(D9), 11480-11520, doi:10.1029/JD094iD09p11480.
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[8] W.H. Brune, D.W. Toohey, J.G. Anderson, W.L. Starr, J.F. Vedder, and E.F. Danielsen (1988),  In Situ Northern Mid-Latitude Observations of ClO, O3, and BrO in the Wintertime Lower Stratosphere, Science 242, 558-562, doi:10.1126/science.242.4878.558.
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[7] D.W. Toohey, W.H. Brune, and J.G. Anderson (1988), Rate Constant for the Reaction Br + O3 -> BrO + O2 from 248 to 418 K: Kinetics and Mechanism, Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 20(2), 131-144, doi:10.1002/kin.550200206.
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[6] D.W. Toohey and J.G. Anderson (1988), Formation of BrCl(3P0+) in the Reaction of BrO with ClO, J. Phys. Chem. 92(7), 1705-1708, doi:10.1021/j100318a002.
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[5] D.W. Toohey, W.H. Brune, and J.G. Anderson (1987), Mechanism and Kinetics of Br + HO2 -> HBr + O2 and Br + H2O2 -> Products over the Temperature Range 260-390 K, J. Phys. Chem. 91(5), 1215-1222, doi:10.1021/j100289a036.
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[4] J.J. Schwab, D.W. Toohey, W.H. Brune, and J.G. Anderson (1985), Reaction Kinetics of O + ClO -> Cl + O2 Between 252-347 K, J. Geophys. Res. 89(D6), 9581-9587, doi:10.1029/JD089iD06p09581.
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[3] B.J. Finlayson-Pitts, D.W. Toohey, and M.J. Ezell (1985), Kinetics of Interaction of Vibrationally Excited OH(X2Pi)v=9 with Simple Hydrocarbons at Room Temperature, Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 17, 613-628.
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[2] B.J. Finlayson-Pitts, D.W. Toohey, and M.J. Ezell (1983), Relative Rate Constants for Removal of Vibrationally Excited OH(X2Pi)v=9 by Some Small Molecules at Room Temperature, Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 15, 151-165.
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B.J. Finlayson-Pitts, T.E. Kleindienst, M.J. Ezell, and D.W. Toohey (1981), The Production of O(3P) and Ground State OH in the Reaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Ozone, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 4533, doi:10.1063/1.441642.
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This page was last updated October 13, 2024.