Welcome to the ATOC 1060-001 Class Web Site

ATOC 1060: Our Changing Environment

This class focuses on introducing the factors that determine the past and present climates of the Earth System. These factors include: natural internal variability of the coupled ocean/atmosphere/land/sea-ice system, variability due to natural external forcing (solar radiation and volcanic eruption), and variability caused by anthropogenic forcing (human activities). For each aspect, we will discuss the basic processes that cause climate variability and change, and examine the social, economical, political, and ecological impacts of these variations. Specific examples and lab demo will be provided to help the students to grasp the concepts and understand the mechanisms.

The class primarily covers Chapters 1-6, 12, 15 and 16 of the text book: The Earth System, third edition by Kump, Kasting, and Crane. The overall goal of this course is to develop an appreciation and basic understanding of the factors that contribute to the complexity and diversity of the Earth system, both natural and anthropogenic; and to begin to explore the possible solutions to environmental problems and how those solutions are linked to local, regional, and global economic and political issues. Hopefully, you will leave this class with a new appreciation for the beauty and power of nature with an increased awareness of our changing environment.

Professor: Weiqing Han
Classroom: Duane G1B20
Meeting Time: TR 12:30-1:45PM
Class web site:http://atoc.colorado.edu/~whan/ATOC1060
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2-3PM
Office Location: Duane Physics Room D-349
e-mail: weiqing.han@colorado.edu
Phone: 303-735-3079

Teaching Assistant

Sean Haney
Office Location: Stadium, Gate 7, ATOC 255-04
Regular Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 11am-12noon